1 Week Faculty Development Workshop "Trends and Tools in Pharmaceutical Education and Research "
Date - 18th to 23rd Nov. 2019 Venue - MET Institute of Pharmacy (Degree), Bhujbal Knowledge City, Bandra Reclamation (W), Mumbai 400050) Creativity and innovation in Teaching and Research is the basis of the knowledge sharing process between student and teacher but encapsulating it into your curriculum and subject poses a major challenge.The teachers will be enabled with recent advances in area like drug delivery systems, process validation, nanotechnology, applications of NMR, trouble shooting in chromatography, bioinformatics, and application of proteomics among others. These lectures will be supported by demonstrations and training in collaboration with National Facility of Biopharmaceutical (NFB) and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Lab (TDM). Demonstration sessions include DNA finger printing, microscopy which is very useful in their routine teaching and research activities. We welcome the faculty members of all the disciplines from Pharmacy Institutes / Colleges to ga...