Research Funding Agencies in India

Dear All,

N. Udupa, the director of Research, Health Sciences, Manipal University has collated the data about all the research funding agencies in India. This article, which is very much helpful for academic researchers is available online at

The research funding agencies included are,
·         AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education)

·         DBT (Department of Biotechnology)

·         DST (Department of Science and Technology)

·         VGST (Vision Group of Science and Technology)

·         Dept. of AYUSH (Department of Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy System of Medicines)

·         ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research)

·         UGC (University Grants Commission)

·         CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research)

·         DAE (Department of Atomic Energy)

·         SERC (Science and Engineering Research Council)

·         DRDO (Defense Research and Development Organization)

·         INSA (Indian National Science Academy)

The article also provides the weblink for the agencies and the problems associated with attracting research funds.
Happy reading.


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