Pharma Jan Samadhan_An NPPA initiative

National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) has started The Pharma Jan Samadhan (PJS) initiative. It is a part of the Goverment of India's Digital India initiative, which aims at empowering the citizens through a transparent, accountable and responsive governance system. Users can file complaints regarding
1.  Overpricing of Scheduled Medicine, new drug & drug for which price fixed under Para 19,
Users can upload the copy of the strip/ label / cash memo either in .pdf or .jpg format. In case if the soft copy of the supportive documents are not available with the user, the user can send the hard copy of the strip/label/ cash memo within 15 days in case of overpricing.
2.       Non-availability or  shortage of any Medicine,
3.       Sale of New Medicine without prior price approval of NPPA,
4.       Refusal of Supply or Sale of Any Medicine.
The status of the complaint can also be viewed
This is a brilliant initiative started by the Government of India. We would like your comments and/or opinions about this initiative.
Apart from the internet- based online facility, there is a consumer Help Line also, which can be used to lodge complaints. Complaints may also be sent to :-
Member Secretary,
NPPA, 3rd Floor, YMCA Cultural Centre Building,
1, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi – 110 001.
Tel : 011 – 23746649
Fax : 011 – 23746652
Email :
HelpLine no : 011 – 23746647


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