Top medical breakthroughs in disease cure of 2015

2015 brought a plenty of significant steps forward in the field of health sowing seeds for major developments to unfold in 2016. From dengue virus ravaging Delhi to Ebola being declared an international health emergency, experts had to tackle a variety of medical challenges. Let's browse through some important ones:  

Delhi in grip of worst dengue crisis since 1996
Delhi grappled with its worst dengue crisis in five years. Dengue is the most common mosquito-borne viral disease of humans that in recent years has become a major international public health concern. The number of cases almost touched 10, 000 this year.

A breather came after a Bengaluru-based lab came up with a tablet to treat the dreaded vector-borne disease. The firm, Micro Labs Ltd launched a botanical pill 'Caripill' that helps to increase the platelet count in dengue patients. Also recently, the first-ever vaccine against dengue fever, which affects up to 400 million people per year, has been cleared for use in Mexico.

Ebola virus: World's Largest Outbreak
Deadly virus Ebola induced panic all over the world. The virus started in the year 2014 and spread its arms in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea by the year 2015 killing thousands of people. The World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa as an “international health emergency”. Eventually, WHO declared these three countries as ebola free nations.

Breakthrough in cancer cure
In a medical breakthrough, two Indian scientists have discovered that dopamine -known as the happy hormone - can also kill tumours. The brainstorming study was carried out by two Kolkata-born scientists Partha Dasgupta and Sujit Basu.

According to the scientists, trials on mice have been successful, adding that if human trials succeed, cancer treatment will get significantly cheaper.

Alzheimer's blood test comes closer to reality
Researchers from the Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine are nearing development of a blood test that can accurately detect the presence of Alzheimer's disease, which would give physicians an opportunity to intervene at the earliest, most treatable stage.

Another team of researchers developed a `gene signature` that can be used to predict the onset of Alzheimer`s years in advance.

Melanoma breakthrough: New blood test improves disease monitoring
New study has found new markers for melanoma which may allow the disease to be accurately monitored via a routine blood test.

Diabetes breakthrough
Scientists claim to have achieved a breakthrough in diabetes, a development that could bring hope and cheers to the millions of sufferers around the world. According to the scientists, a “probiotic pill” can cure both types of diabetes by simply “rewiring” the body.



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